1A 4th Street, Houghton Estate, JHB.

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 17:00 PM
Weekend: 10AM - 12PM

Thank You For Keeping Your Account Active

Your Account Is Now Active


New member you're just one step away from stacking up your rewards. 

Existing members, thank you for keeping your account active. 

What's Next?

For new members, this is the last step. Choose any option below.

However, it is recommended that you buy one of the two offers below to start earning soonest. 

You will always get access to your profile any time. If you miss buying any Rewards Starter Pack below, you may get the next opportunity at your registered store.


ZAR 195
  • Currently Only Available in South Africa
  • Earn R100 / Point
  • Earn Only At Store You Registered at
  • Earning Limited To 30 Points / Pack
  • Earn Up To R3000 / Pack
  • Buy Unlimited Packs (Registered Store)
  • Buy Separately For Other Stores


ZAR 375
  • May be used globally (& online)
  • Earn R100 / Point ($5 USD/Point)
  • Earn from every Partner Store
  • Earn Unlimited Points
  • Buy Once, Use Forever
  • Also get a referral link


  • You may add profile photo
  • You may chat with other members
  • you may promote your products/services
  • You may promote your registered store
  • You may share media files
  • And much much more

Happy Shopping